
Here you will find news of the HKC and of related subjects of interest

PARADeS Handbook: Flood Risk Management in Ghana. Results, products and recommendations from the project

The PARADeS project pursued a combination of research and development activities and institutional strengthening in Ghana.

Flood protection news: Flood protection work by the Lippeverband

New basin improves flood protection on the Hoppeibach - work by the Lippeverband starts around Easter and lasts until the end of the year.

WiWo - What is happening ? KAHR Infomobile record days

Welcome to our new format "With knowledge into the week - WiWo"! (German: "mit Wissen in die Woche - WiWo")

On 7 and 8 March, the HKC e.V. visited the HPA in Hamburg to work on the further development of the FLOODLABEL for the Port of Hamburg.